Latest Hair Removal Technology : GCPAYX™

Alexandrite and Nd: YAG laser is the most advanced and widely used technology for laser hair removal.

Optimal Wavelength Nd: YAG (1064nm) and Alexandrite (755nm) wavelengths

What is GCPAYX™ Technology?

Most laser hair removal technologies on the market use one of two wavelengths to target the hair follicle:

The Alexandrite wavelength is at 755 nm, which is ideal for treating skin tones 1, 2, and 3 (fair and light skin tones). It is highly absorbed in melanin and is therefore not safe for use on darker skin tones.

The Nd: YAG wavelength at 1064 nm, which is ideal for treating skin tones 4, 5, and 6 (4 being tanned skin and 5 and 6 darker skin tones) as the absorption by melanin is much lower than with the Alexandrite wavelength. This wavelength is highly absorbed in oxyhemoglobin, which affects the blood supply to the hair follicle.

When using these technologies, treatment providers often need to use high settings of each wavelength to effectively remove hair. This can result in more painful treatments and temporary complications.

GCPAYX™ Technology Synchronizes Both Wavelengths

In order to solve these challenges, Coolpretty introduced GCPAYX™ technology. This unique technology is the first of its kind to synchronize Alexandrite (755nm) and Nd: YAG (1064nm) wavelengths to fire with adjustable proportions.

With this technology, each pulse can be integrated when fired with varying proportions to tailor treatment and customized to fit the patient’s specific skin type, hair color, and thickness for the most effective treatment.

GCPAYX™ technology is used to power the solid-state laser device. With this powerful, fast, and versatile device, treatment providers can synchronize Alexandrite and Nd: YAG wavelengths to customize treatment options for patients with different skin and hair type combinations.

How does the Alexandrite & Nd:YAG Laser machine works?

Alexandrite & Nd: YAG Laser Hair Removal Solutions by Coolpretty

Coolpretty offers specialized hair removal solutions using Alexandrite and Nd: YAG lasers, tailored to diverse client needs. In some cases, Coolpretty’s GCPAYX™ could use a combination of both lasers to target different areas or to suit clients who don’t fall neatly into one skin type category.

Advantages of Alexandrite & Nd: YAG Laser Hair Removal Technology

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